Maniac Magee: 10-20 Question Preview (ID: 52520)

Chapters 10-20. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Where is Maniac living?
a) The Elmwood Park Zoo
b) McDonald's parking lot
c) A homeless shelter
d) Pine Hill

Why do the Cobra's stop chasing Maniac?
a) He crosses over Hector Street
b) They feel sorry for him
c) They can't keep up with him
d) He runs into Amanda Beale's house

Mars Bar Thompson confronted Maniac. He offered him a bite of his candy bar. When Maniac took a bite, there was dead silence on the street. Why?
a) Maniac dropped the candy bar
b) Mars Bar never offered anyone a bite before
c) People don't eat after each other especially black/white at this time
d) Maniac and Mars Bar become quick friends

Maniac was trying to fix the torn page of the book Amanda let him borrow. Amanda sees Mars Bar with Maniac and her torn book. Why s she so upset?
a) her little brother and sister tear up everything of hers they can get a hold of
b) Mars Bar tears her book up on purpose
c) she only has a few books
d) Maniac promised to take care of it

What did Mrs. Beale do when Maniac started talking street talk at home?
a) She laughed
b) She slapped him
c) She joined in
d) She made fun of him

At the block party, an old man calls Maniac something. What does he call him?
a) thief
b) lion
c) whitey
d) snake

What does Amanda think will make Maniac popular with everyone in East End?
a) Cobble's Knot
b) going back to West End
c) reading more books
d) eating more pizza

What is Maniac allergic to?
a) Peanuts
b) Milk
c) Pizza
d) Peppers

How long did it take Maniac to untangle Cobble's Knot?
a) until lunchtime
b) until dinnertime
c) until the next monring
d) until the next night

What was the prize for untangling Cobble's Knot?
a) one free candy bar a week for a year
b) one free pizza a week for a year
c) one free soda a week for a year
d) one free ice cream a week for a year

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