Story Elements Question Preview (ID: 52508)

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How the problem is solved is called the...
a) plot
b) setting
c) resolution
d) characters

Where and when the story takes place is called the...
a) setting
b) theme
c) conflict
d) story elements

The pieces or parts that make up a fiction story is called...
a) the plot
b) the theme
c) the resolution
d) story elements

The lesson, message, or big idea the author wants readers to learn from the story is called the...
a) characters
b) theme
c) conflict
d) resolution

The problem or challenge the main characters face is called the...
a) conflict
b) story elements
c) setting
d) plot

The people, animals, or creatures in a story are called the...
a) conflict
b) theme
c) story elements
d) characters

The sequence of events in a story is called the...
a) resolution
b) theme
c) plot
d) conflict

A conflict in the story could be...
a) a little girl and three bears
b) a circus
c) two friends fighting
d) a glass slipper

The characters in the story could be...
a) a castle
b) a school
c) a little girl and her dog
d) a house

The setting for the story could be...
a) a castle or circus
b) the three bears
c) a dragon
d) a peanut butter sandwich

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