American History 2 Module 2 Post Question Preview (ID: 52501)

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The production of goods is called____________________.
a) trade
b) factory
c) industry
d) progressive

The period of time in American history that focused on machines, factories, and industry is called the:
a) American Era
b) Industrial Revolution
c) Progressive Era
d) American Revolution

Which of the following is NOT a factor of production?
a) labor
b) natural resources
c) entrepreneurs
d) monopolies

Which of the following is an example of a natural resource?
a) energy
b) timber
c) metal
d) capital

____________________ Island was the east coast point of entry for European immigrants arriving in America.
a) Angel
b) Plymouth
c) Ellis
d) American

Which of the following amendments gave women the right to vote?
a) 16th Amendment
b) 17th Amendment
c) 18th Amendment
d) 19th Amendment

Who founded Hull House in Chicago to provide education, child care, and social activities to the poor?
a) Jacob Riis
b) Jane Addams
c) Woodrow Wilson
d) Upton Sinclair

An organization of workers that join together to make needed changes is called a:
a) muckraker
b) progressive
c) labor union
d) reformer

Which progressive president was known as the “Trustbuster?”
a) Woodrow Wilson
b) Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt
c) William Taft
d) John D. Rockefeller

Journalists that wrote about the negative effects of the Industrial Revolution were known as:
a) muckrakers
b) progressive
c) reformers
d) entrepreneurs

Which of the following is NOT a problem that needed to be addressed during the Progressive Era?
a) low wages and unsafe working conditions
b) political issues
c) urbanization
d) unfair business practices

Which of the following acts limited Chinese immigration?
a) the Gentlemen’s Act
b) the Sherman Anti-Trust
c) the Manns-Elkin Act
d) the Chinese Exclusion Act

_____________ and ___________ created monopolies during the Industrial Revolution.
a) Carnegie and Wilson
b) Roosevelt and Rockefeller
c) Wilson and Roosevelt
d) Carnegie and Rockefeller

Which of the following amendments created an income tax?
a) 16th Amendment
b) 17th Amendment
c) 18th Amendment
d) 19th Amendment

What is control over a certain good or industry called?
a) a tenement
b) a monopoly
c) wages
d) a labor union

Which of the following events is an example of how bad the working conditions were during the Progressive Era?
a) the passing of the 16th amendment
b) election of Theodore Roosevelt
c) Triangle Shirt Waist Fire
d) creation of Hull House

During the Progressive Era, this amendment prohibited the sale, manufacturing, consumption, and distribution of alcohol.
a) 18th Amendment
b) 17th Amendment
c) 19th Amendment
d) 16th Amendment

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