Egypt Question Preview (ID: 52495)

Ancient Worlds Test 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Why was the New Kingdom propserous?
a) anarchy
b) lots of jewels
c) conquests
d) Stability, land expansion

What is monotheism?
a) all answers are correct
b) Christianity is an example
c) The belief in one god
d) Worshiping one god

Why was Tutankhamun the most famous Egyptian in history?
a) Only unrobbed royal tomb ever found
b) Name change
c) lots of riches found
d) it remains a mystery

Who was the god of the sun?
a) Soleil
b) Sol
c) Aten
d) Ray

Who was considered the most beautiful women in Egyptian history?
a) Nefertiti
b) Celopatra
c) Aprhodite
d) Helen of Troy

Why was the Hysos invasion a good thing?
a) power
b) war
c) resources
d) money

What did they find out about King Tut from the video?
a) solid gold, steel, toys
b) spine curved, leg broken
c) dental records
d) brains

Who was the first woman ruler in history?
a) Cleopatra
b) Hatshepsut
c) King Tut
d) Pharoh

What is the heart weighing ceremony for?
a) Record keeping
b) Purgatory
c) Heaven or Hell
d) Mummy or no Mummy

What textile was surpisingly produced in Egypt?
a) cotton
b) linen
c) nylon
d) spandex

What was the fucntion of make-up in Egypt?
a) there was no makeup in Egyptian history
b) gossip
c) solely beauty
d) protection from elements and showcases social status

What was gener equality like in Egypt?
a) women could NOT own land
b) women could NOT file for divorce
c) women had about the same amount of rights as men
d) women could NOT walk alone in the desert

Who discovered King Tut's tomb?
a) Carter
b) Carson
c) Cameron
d) Colin

Why do we annotate?
a) for ourselves
b) for Ms. Walker
c) to teach someone who's never read the material
d) to teach someone who somewhat knows the material

What's the best way to annotate?
a) write A LOT
b) highlight A LOT
c) write questions, gut reactions, thoughts
d) Copy information word for word from the reading

What is a good way to learn more about the people we studied?
a) Wikipedia
b) Encylopedia Britannica
c) Blogs
d) Social media

What are the three Kingdoms we studied?
a) new, newer, modern
b) old, older, ancient
c) old, middle, new
d) old, new

What's the commanality between mummification processes?
a) removal of guts via injection and liquidfication
b) brain removal through nose
c) removal of guts surgically
d) radish oil

What is critical thinking?
a) comparing the source to other sources that are peer reviewed
b) annotating a document
c) summarizing a document
d) all of the above

What was suprising about King Tut according to the READING
a) he played with the toys he was buried with
b) minor (age)
c) his discovery in 1922
d) minor (legacy)

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