Biology Game Grade 7 (W3) Question Preview (ID: 52478)

Biology. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The fertilized ovum capable of giving a new living being is the:
a) Sperm
b) ovum
c) Zygote
d) none of the choices

The reproductive cell is called:
a) Fertilization
b) gamete
c) Female
d) Male

The female genital gland is called:
a) ovary
b) sperm
c) testicle
d) all choices are correct

The sperm moves by using its tail which is called:
a) Leg
b) embryo
c) Flagellum
d) none of the choices

The male genital gland is called:
a) Ovary
b) Testicle
c) sperm
d) none of the choices

The male gametes of the sea urchin is called:
a) Spermatozoa
b) testicle
c) Ova
d) none of the choices

The female gametes of the sea urchin are called:
a) Spermatozoa
b) testicle
c) Ova
d) none of the choices

The spermatozoon unites with the …… ,this is ……………:
a) Zygote, egg
b) Ovum, fertilization
c) ovum, gamete
d) all choices are correct

The role of the testicle is the production of:
a) Spermatozoa
b) zygote
c) Ova
d) all choices are correct

The role of the ovaries is the production of:
a) Ova
b) zygote
c) Spermatozoa
d) none of the choices

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