Chapter 4 Lesson 1- The Sumerians Question Preview (ID: 52423)

Review Of Key Words For Chapter 4 Lesson 1. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What are fine particles of fertile soil?
a) silt
b) irrigation
c) mud
d) dirt

What is a system that supplies dry land with water through ditches, pipes, or streams?
a) agriculture
b) farming
c) irrigation
d) canals

Means having extra or more than enough?
a) irrigation
b) farming
c) shortage
d) surplus

What is a city-state?
a) a large territory or group of many territories governed by one ruler
b) a city where everyone worships the same gods
c) a city that governs itself and its surrounding territory
d) a pyramid-shaped structure with a temple on top

What is polytheism?
a) the worship of many gods
b) the worship of one god
c) the worship of animals
d) the worship of plants

Define ziggurat
a) a large palace for the king
b) a way of supplying water to farmland
c) a pyramid-shaped structure with a temple at the top
d) the worship of many gods

What is cuneiform?
a) writing using wedge-shaped symbols
b) writing using pictographs
c) the earliest writing created in Egypt
d) a long poem about a hero

What does cuneiform mean?
a) Latin word meaning 'writing'
b) Latin word meaning 'writer'
c) Latin word meaning 'clay'
d) Latin word meaning 'wedge'

Who were scribes?
a) ruling class of people in Sumer
b) official record keepers of Sumer
c) great warriors of Sumer
d) inventors of Sumer

What is a long poem that tells the story of a hero called?
a) adventure
b) Gilgamesh
c) epic
d) short story

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