Week 3 And 4 Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 52329)

Week 3 4 Vocabulary Study Game. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is a SYNONYM for the word gasp?
a) exhale
b) inhale
c) old
d) new

Mr. Keene loved to _______ the students in the classroom while they were learning.
a) pause
b) observe
c) gasp
d) brief

After running up the stairs you may have to ______ for air.
a) observe
b) brief
c) gasp
d) ancient

While reading you may have to _______ to think of the meaning of a new word.
a) pause
b) gasp
c) observe
d) brief

What is the definition of observe?
a) to take a break
b) to watch
c) to breathe
d) something old

What is the definition of brief?
a) a short rest
b) existed for a long time
c) not very long
d) to exhale

What is the definition of ancient?
a) having existed for a long time
b) to watch carefully
c) a short stop
d) to watch

What is the definition of gasp?
a) to exhale
b) a short stop
c) a hole or break
d) to breathe in quickly

What is the definition of pause?
a) to begin
b) a short stop
c) to watch
d) to exhale

What is an ANTONYM for the word pause?
a) stop
b) new
c) old
d) start

What word is the best SYNONYM for convince?
a) discourage
b) persuade
c) prevent
d) exact

What word is an ANTONYM for rare?
a) usual
b) old
c) common
d) uncommon

Which word is a SYNONYM for swiftly?
a) quickly
b) slowly
c) precise
d) rest

What is the definition of rare?
a) old
b) very uncommon
c) common
d) very exact

The baby must _____ on his parent to feed him.
a) observe
b) pause
c) gasp
d) rely

When solving a mystery, the detectives must find the __________ answer.
a) precise
b) rely
c) swiftly
d) observe

What is the definition of rely?
a) something common
b) to make a person agree
c) to depend on something/someone
d) very quickly

What is the definition of precise?
a) to watch
b) very quickly
c) very exact
d) breathe quickly

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