Mass, Volume, Safety, Observation Question Preview (ID: 52312)

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An observation that looks at qualities, characteristics and the way things LOOK.
a) quaLitative
b) QuaNtitative
c) Mass
d) Volume

An observation that uses numbers and labels
a) quaLitative
b) quaNtitative
c) mass
d) volume

anything that has mass and takes up space
a) matter
b) volume
c) mass
d) observation

The amount of matter or stuff packed into an object
a) matter
b) Volume
c) mass
d) observation

The amount of space something takes up
a) matter
b) mass
c) observation
d) volume

The tool we use to measure mass
a) graduated cylinder
b) triple beam balance
c) ruler
d) beaker

The tool we use to measure the length of a regular shaped object
a) triple beam balance
b) graduated cylinder
c) ruler
d) beaker

The tool we use to measure volume of irregular shapes and liquids
a) graduated cylinder
b) beaker
c) ruler
d) triple beam balance

What unit do we use to measure length in science
a) inches
b) miles
c) centimeters
d) none of the above

Which of the following is worn in the lab to protect your eyes
a) goggles
b) gloves
c) apron
d) none of the above

Which of the following is NOT a lab rule
a) no eating or drinking in the lab
b) wear your hair tied back in a ponytail if it is long
c) No horseplay
d) be curious

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