Unit 2: Early Natives Early European Exploration Question Preview (ID: 52311)

GA Studies. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What was Hernando de Soto known for?
a) The discovery of gold in Florida
b) Discovering Georgia and other parts of the Southeastern US, and discovering the Mississippi River
c) Discovering the Fountain of Youth
d) Traveling throughout Asia and writing a book about his adventures called Travels

The English wanted to settle colonies in the New World so that they could implement their economic policy known as mercantilism. What is mercantilism?
a) Trading with Native Americans and other European nations for items/resources that you do not have
b) The use of political alliances to make a greater profit
c) The ideas of exporting more than you import and to pay as little or nothing for your imports.
d) To help other nations in their struggles so that they will reward you financially

What was the English first attempt at a colony in the New World?
a) Roanoke
b) Jamestown
c) Plymouth
d) St. Augustine

What European nation was out to find gold, pursue glory, and convert natives to Christianity/Catholicism?
a) France
b) Spain
c) England
d) Portugal

What individuals travels and book inspired Christopher Columbus?
a) Marco Polo
b) Kublai Khan
c) Prince Henry the Navigator
d) King Ferdinand

What was the first settlement in the present-day United States? Hint: It was a Spanish settlement.
a) San Diego
b) Miami
c) Jamestown
d) St. Augustine

What Native American era was present when the early European explorers began to discover the New World?
a) Paleo
b) Archaic
c) Woodland
d) Mississippian

What individual in 1492 landed and discovered parts of the New World but thought he was in the Indies?
a) Francisco Pizzaro
b) Hernando de Cortes
c) Hernando de Soto
d) Christopher Columbus

Who discovered the Americas over 500 years before Columbus?
a) The Vikings
b) The Germans
c) The Khan Dynasty
d) English pirates

What was England's first permanent settlement in the New World?
a) Roanoke
b) Jamestown
c) St. Augustine
d) Plymouth

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