SS Ch. 2 Test Review Question Preview (ID: 52299)

Test Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Which statement accurately relates information to a negative effect of the Columbian Exchange?
a) The trade of crops and livestock from America required people to grow and raise these goods, this provided jobs for natives.
b) The trade of sugar grown in America required people to grow it, and this led to plantations and forced labor.
c) Europeans traded potatoes and tomatoes to America, which made these foods part of the American Indian diet.
d) Europeans traded pigs, horses, and goats to America, which led to a shortage of these goods in Europe.

How is a colony different than an empire?
a) A colony is made up of a group of smaller empires.
b) Colonies have stronger governments than empires.
c) A colony is a settlement or area far from the country that rules it.
d) Two colonies become an empire once they agree to trade goods.

Which was the cause of the effect: Spain's rulers agreed to pay for expensive expeditions.
a) Spain wanted to create jobs.
b) Spain wanted to move its government.
c) Spain needed money to pay for wars.
d) Spain needed to defend itself from American Indians.

These goods were traded from Europe to the Americas.
a) horses and wheat
b) corn and potatoes
c) tomatoes and pumpkins
d) peppers and goats

Arrange the types of Europeans in the order they came to the Americas.
a) conquistadors, explorers, officials
b) officials, explorers, conquistadors
c) explorers, conquistadors, officials
d) explorers, officials, conquistadors

These goods were traded from the Americas to Europe.
a) pumpkins and wheat
b) peppers and goats
c) corn and potatoes
d) wheat and horses

Which statement best defines the Columbian Exchange?
a) the passage of European officials across the Atlantic to fill new positions in colonial governments
b) a slave trade between Europeans and Africans that financed Columbus's voyages
c) the passing of germs from Europeans to American Indians that resulted in epidemics
d) the trade of goods and ideas between Europeans, Africans, and American Indians

Arrange the names of these European explorers and conquistadors in the order they made their journeys.
a) Columbus, Coronado, Dias, Cortes
b) Dias, Columbus, Cortes, Coronado,
c) Cortes, Dias, Columbus, Coronado
d) Coronado, Cortes, Columbus, Dias

What was the main goal of Prince Henry’s navigation school?
a) to start a colony there
b) to establish the slave trade
c) to build a navy and start a war
d) to find and control trade routes

Sailors used the magnetic compass for ___ and the astrolabe to determine ___.
a) direction, distance
b) direction, time
c) time, speed
d) distance, speed

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