ELEMENTS, COMPOUNDS, And MIXTURES Question Preview (ID: 52277)
Texas Standard 6.5A Differences Between Elements, Compounds, And Mixtures.
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What is a pure substance made of only one kind of atom?
a) element
b) compound
c) mixture
d) atom
What is a pure substance made by chemically combining two or more elements; represented by a chemical formula?
a) element
b) compound
c) mixture
d) chemical formula
what is a substance that is not mixed with any other substance
a) element
b) compound
c) pure substance
d) chemical formula
What is representation of the name of an element; written as a capital letter or a capital letter followed by a lowercase letter(s)?
a) mixture
b) compound
c) element
d) chemical symbol
What do you call two or substances combined together?
a) mixture
b) compound
c) element
d) chemical symbol
What is a representation of a compound in which the elements are represented by their symbols and subscripts represent the number of atoms of each element?
a) element
b) compound
c) Chemical formula
d) mixture
A mixture that can be easily separated by natural means is called what?
a) heterogenous mixture
b) homogenous mixture
c) pure mixture
d) chemical mixture
A mixture that can NOT be easily separated by natural means is called what?
a) heterogenous mixture
b) homogenous mixture
c) chemical mixture
d) pure mixture
Salt is considered to be?
a) an element
b) a compound
c) a substance
d) a chemical
saltwater is considered to be ?
a) an element
b) a compound
c) a chemical
d) a pure substance
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