Cordillera Dances / Group 2 Quiz Question Preview (ID: 52146)
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This is a flat metal gong about a foot in diameter, about 2inches deep and commonly made of bronze
a) Gangsta
b) Gangsa
c) Asta
d) Aster
The _________ is a series of short bamboo tubes that vary in size and are played by being tapped on the ground.
a) Tongatung
b) Tongatong
c) Tungatung
d) Tungatong
The __________ is a bamboo nose flute that is a blown by a single nostril.
a) Biningging
b) Balingging
c) Beggingning
d) Batuting
This is bamboo quill shaped tube.
a) Patakangbuk
b) Patangguk
c) Perengtenge
d) Patangol
In Kalinga dances, which gender tend to lead in courtship dances?
a) Male
b) Female
In Kalinga dance, which gender tend to lead in celebratory dance?
a) Male
b) Female
This is larger gong and produces bass tune.
a) Sar-ong-ko-ongan
b) Kang-ko-ngan
c) Syaro-di-sogton
d) Sari-ma-di-ir
This is the bamboo jaw's harp.
a) ulibaw
b) ulinadaw
c) hawbahaw
d) uliuli
This is bamboo buzzer
a) bungkaka
b) bagbaba
c) bakaka
d) kungbaka
This is the smallest gangsa among the 3 types and this gives spreading sound and balances the other tunes.
a) Kalos
b) Kalu
c) Kalus
d) Kalo
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