Voacbulario Preliminar Question Preview (ID: 52129)

1st Set Of Vocab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

abran los libros
a) take out a pencil
b) please raise your hand
c) close your books
d) open your books

cierren los libros
a) close your books
b) open your books
c) please change to a new paper
d) please raise your hand

saquen un lápiz
a) take out a book
b) take out a pencil
c) take out a pen
d) take out a paper

levanten la mano
a) answer the question
b) raise your foot
c) raise your pencil
d) raise your hand

cambien de papel
a) take out a new pencil
b) more slowly please
c) take out a new piece of paper
d) please repeat

contesta las preguntas
a) answer the following questions
b) today is
c) answer all the above
d) how do you say

más despacio porfavor
a) the last name
b) hand me your homework
c) ask another student
d) more slowly please

repita, por favor
a) i am from
b) please repeat
c) what is your name please
d) ask another student please

a) to take a seat
b) how do you say
c) to open your books
d) answer the following questions

¿Cómo se dice...?
a) where do you go...
b) how do you say...
c) what is your name...
d) what do you say...

pasanme la tarea
a) open your books
b) the week
c) the homework
d) hand me your homework

pregúntale a otro estudiante
a) take out a pencil
b) please raise your hand
c) ask another student
d) hand in your homework

a) sunday
b) monday
c) saturday
d) friday

a) thursday
b) saturday
c) wednesday
d) monday

a) monday
b) tuesday
c) sunday
d) wednesday

a) thursday
b) saturday
c) tuesday
d) wednesday

a) tuesday
b) monday
c) thursday
d) friday

a) sunday
b) monday
c) friday
d) thursday

a) sunday
b) saturday
c) monday
d) thursday

la semana
a) tomorrow
b) today
c) the week
d) yesterday

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