Philosophy Test 1 Question Preview (ID: 52117)

CBU Prof HC. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

true or false, by 1970 Zambia had alot of school facilities made both in rural and urban area's
a) True
b) false

what was the major educational challenge after zambia got independence
a) Access to education
b) alot of school became empty for the learners
c) equality
d) Non of the above

Education system at independence refers to
a) education after independence politically
b) education before independence politically
c) education withing education
d) education during the Hellenistic period

what happened to the christians who refused to worship the romans
a) they were praised with their God
b) they were killed and burned
c) they were leted
d) they followed them

How long did the ministry of Jesus lasted
a) 1year
b) 2years
c) 3years
d) 4years

How many books did paul wrote
a) 15books
b) 12books
c) 8books
d) 5books

How many years did Jesus Christ lived on earth
a) 20years
b) 33years
c) 18years
d) 30years

In which year did the romans Conquered Judea
a) 6BC
b) 9AD
c) 18BC
d) 4AD

what was the aim of achievement in secondary schools by 1970
a) to expand secondary system to provide needed number of educated people with skills
b) to remove literacy in people
c) to educate people on various aspect of life like cutting trees in villages
d) All of the above

true or false ,poor infrastructure buildings, critical shprtage of accommodation lead to the strike of teachers in 1975
a) true
b) false

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