5th Grade Math Unit 1 Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 52090)

Unit 1 Vocabulary Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How many times to use a number in multiplication
a) exponent
b) base
c) power
d) place value

A way to write numbers by showing the value of each digit; ex) (5 x 100) + (6 x 10) + (3 x 1) + (4 x 1/10)
a) standard form
b) expanded form
c) word form
d) place value

The position of the first digit to the right of the decimal point.
a) tens place
b) thousandths place
c) hundredths place
d) tenths place

The position of the second digit to the right of the decimal point.
a) tenths place
b) hundredths place
c) thousandths place
d) hundreds place

The third digit to the right of the decimal place
a) tenths place
b) hundredths place
c) thousandths place
d) thousands place

Decimals that have the same value; ex. 0.5 = 0.50
a) equivalent fractions
b) equivalent decimals
c) whole numbers
d) prime numbers

Changing the grouping of numbers will NOT change the value. For example: (7 + 4) + 8 = 7 + (4 + 8) also works with multiplication
a) commutative property
b) associative property
c) distributive property
d) identity property

The property that says that two or more numbers can be added or multiplied in any order without changing the result. For example: 6+2=8 and 2+6=8
a) commutative property
b) associative property
c) distributive property
d) identity property

The value of a digit based on its position within a number
a) power
b) place value
c) exxponent
d) base

A common way of writing a number using digits. ex.) 4,567
a) expanded form
b) word form
c) standard form
d) place value

Two or more fractions that name the same amount; ex.) 1/2 = 2/4
a) denominator
b) numerator
c) equivalent decimals
d) equivalent fractions

Part of a whole; ex.) 1/2
a) whole number
b) fraction
c) decimal number
d) exponent

The number that is going to be raised to a power or exponent
a) base
b) power
c) exponent
d) value

The number of times a base number is multiplied by itself
a) standard form
b) multiply
c) exponent
d) power

To work out a problem and find the answer
a) product
b) sum
c) evaluate
d) difference

To put things together to see how they are the same
a) evaluate
b) compare
c) place value
d) equivalent

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