September Catch-up Unit Nine: Between The Old And The Young _ Week 2 Question Preview (ID: 52084)

This Game Aims To Practice The Target Language Of Generation Gap And Direct And Indirect Speech. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Generation gap often refers to a perceived gap between____
a) colleagues
b) friends
c) teachers and students
d) younger people and their parents

All of these fall into the first period before the ______ of Arabian medicine.
a) bridge
b) tie
c) clash
d) advent

which of the following is not among the causes of generation gap?
a) insufficient communication with children
b) absolute control of parents
c) different attitudes between parents and children
d) building mutual respect

what are the effects of generation gap?
a) conflict among family members
b) misunderstanding
c) destruction of some values
d) all the choices

The overprotective parent wants to protect their children from harm. They ____
a) give them freedom to try new things
b) let them make some of their own decisions
c) don’t stop them from branching out
d) are fearful of everything when it comes to their children

conservative parents averse to change and ___________.
a) understand their children
b) hold traditional values
c) hold liberal values
d) build trust with their children

The disagreement between different generations is due to _______
a) differences in attitudes
b) differences in ideas and viewpoints
c) differences in interests and demands
d) all the choices

The main cause that creates the gap between generations is______ .
a) the lack of communication
b) the lack of values
c) the lack of tastes
d) the lack of clashes

Generation gap is the difference between __________.
a) two characters
b) the export and import
c) income and expenses
d) two generations

we can bridge the gap between generations by __________
a) open communication
b) acceptance
c) friendly relationship
d) all the choices

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