The Lightning Thief Chs 14-16 Question Preview (ID: 52063)

The Lightning Thief Chs 14-16. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How is Percy feeling?
a) Happy
b) Successful
c) Like a failure
d) Angry

What does the messenger warn Percy?
a) Not to trust Annabeth
b) Not to trust Grover
c) Not to trust the gifts
d) Not to trust his powers

What city does the group head to next?
a) Los Angeles
b) Chicago
c) Denver
d) Seattle

What does they ask the goddess Iris to help with?
a) To send a message back to Half-Blood Hill
b) For money
c) For food
d) For advice

Who is Ares?
a) The god of water
b) The god of archers
c) The god of war
d) The god of peace

Where is Ares's shield?
a) On top of a mountain
b) In the middle of the city
c) At the bottom of an empty pool
d) In the woods

What city is the group going to next?
a) Los Angeles
b) Portland
c) Reno
d) Las Vegas

What is the name of the hotel the group wanders into?
a) The Flower Hotel
b) The Lotus Hotel and Casino
c) The Half-Blood Hotel
d) The Las Vegas Hotel and Casino

How does Percy realized they have been stuck at the Lotus Hotel and Casino?
a) Someone tells him
b) He looks at a calendar
c) Someone uses really old worlds
d) He snaps out of a trance

How long had the group been stuck at the Lotus Hotel and Casino?
a) A day
b) A week
c) A year
d) A month

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