The Lightning Thief Chs 11-13 Question Preview (ID: 52062)

The Lightning Thief Chs 11-13. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What is the name of the shop they find in the woods?
a) Auntie Em’s Garden Gnome Emporium
b) Uncle Todd's Garden Tree Shop

What does Auntie Em ask them to do before they leave?
a) Buy something
b) Eat something
c) Help her with a chore
d) Pose for a picture

Who does Auntie Em turn about to be?
a) Aphrodite
b) Athena
c) Medusa
d) Zeus

What would happen if they looked Medusa in the eyes?
a) They would catch fire
b) They would turn to stone
c) They would disappear
d) They would become evil

Who does Grover hope to find?
a) Athena
b) Poseidon
c) Pan
d) Nike

How does the group get enough money to the train tickets?
a) They do magic tricks
b) They sell Medusa's statues
c) They find a poodle who ran away
d) They steal

What monument do they go up?
a) The Empire State Building
b) The Eiffel Tower
c) The Hollywood sign
d) The St. Louis Arch

What does the fat lady turn into?
a) A centaur
b) A satyr
c) A chimera
d) A unicorn

Where do they ship Medusa's head?
a) The Underworld
b) Camp Half-Blood

What happens to Percy when he is struck by the chimera's serpent tail?
a) He loses his arm
b) He drops Riptide
c) He falls out of the monument
d) He dies

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