The Giver Chs 21-23 Question Preview (ID: 52037)

The Giver Chs 21-23. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does Jonas find out about Gabriel?
a) He is up for release
b) He is sick
c) He is a future Receiver
d) He has pale eyes

Where does Jonas and Gabriel sleep while hiding?
a) In hammocks
b) In trees and shrubs
c) In cars
d) On rocks

What does Jonas have to avoid?
a) Planes
b) Cars
c) Police
d) Cameras

How does Jonas hurt his ankle?
a) Tripping
b) Falling from a tree
c) The bike catching on something
d) Running

What do Jonas and Gabriel see on their Journey?
a) Rain
b) Sleds
c) Wildlife
d) Mountains

What do Jonas and Gabriel encounter in Chapter 23?
a) Rain
b) Sunshine
c) Snow
d) A bear

How does Jonas attempt to sustain Gabriel?
a) Feeding him wildberries
b) Hunting animals
c) Eating dirt
d) Memories of food

What happens to the bike?
a) It breaks
b) Someone stole it
c) It runs out of gas
d) Jonas abandons it

What does Jonas find at the top of the summit?
a) The Giver
b) A sled
c) Food
d) A bear

What does Jonas think he hears?
a) People
b) Music
c) The ocean
d) A storm

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