The Giver Chs 17-20 Question Preview (ID: 52036)

The Giver Chs 17-20. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does the Speaker announce?
a) The day was an Unscheduled Holida
b) Everything is closed
c) To hide
d) Bad weather was coming

What game are some children playing?
a) Soccer
b) War
c) Tag
d) Kickball

What does Jonas ask the Giver about?
a) Babies
b) War
c) Release
d) Heaven

Why was the previous Receiver released?
a) She was evil
b) She wanted tobe
c) She couldn't handle the painful memories
d) She was sick

How is Jonas feeling about being the Receiver
a) Excited
b) Passionate
c) Pressured
d) Depressed

What does Jonas ask to see in Chapter 19?
a) Snow
b) Rain
c) The release of the twin
d) A war memory

How does Jonas feel toward his father?
a) Happy
b) Confused
c) Upset
d) Disappointed

What do Jonas and the Giver create together?
a) A plan to escape
b) A plan to stop children from being released
c) A plan to stop painful memories
d) A plan to disperse memories

Why doesn't the Giver want to go with Jonas?
a) He doesn't want to leave his wife
b) He's happy how life is
c) He has a responsibility to people
d) He doesn't like Jonas

When does Jonas plan to leave?
a) At midnight
b) The next day
c) Next month
d) Next week

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