The Giver Chs 14-16 Question Preview (ID: 52035)

The Giver Chs 14-16. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

What does Jonas dream of?
a) Being on the beach
b) Sledding
c) Throwing snowballs
d) Making snow angels

What happens in his dream?
a) He has a lot of fun
b) Asher is sledding with him
c) He breaks his leg and scrapes his face
d) He can't stop sledding

Why can't Jonas share his memories with the community?
a) They don't care
b) They won't understand
c) He is there to take the pain for everyone
d) They will disown him

How does Jonas help Gabriel?
a) He gives him the memory of sailing
b) He gives him the memory of sledding
c) He gives him medicine
d) He holds him

What memory does the Giver give Jonas in Chapter 15?
a) Swimming
b) War
c) Petting a dog
d) Sledding

How does Jonas feel after receiving the memory in Chapter 15?
a) Intrigued
b) Angry
c) Shocked
d) Nonchalant

Which memory did the Giver NOT give Jonas in Chapter 16?
a) Birthdays
b) Museums
c) Christmas
d) Hurricanes

What feelings does Jonas share with his parents?
a) Love
b) Hatred
c) Jealousy
d) Fear

What does Jonas skip?
a) School
b) His pill
c) Breakfast
d) Taking care of Gabriel

How has Jonas been helping Gabriel sleep?
a) Rocking him
b) Singing
c) Hugging him
d) Transferring peaceful memories

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