A Wrinkle In Time Chs 5-6 Question Preview (ID: 52024)

A Wrinkle In Time Chs 5-6. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How does Mrs. Who demonstrate the tesseract?
a) With a car and driver
b) With an apple and horse
c) With an insect on a string
d) With a bird on a branch

What dimension in the tesseract in?
a) Fifth
b) Second
c) Eighth
d) Third

Where is the dark, cold planet?
a) Milkway
b) Orion's Belt
c) The Little Dipper
d) Aries

Who do the children meet?
a) Meg's father
b) An evil figure
c) Happy Medium
d) Buddha

What is threatening the universe?
a) The Dark Thing
b) The Blue Thing
c) The Evil Thing
d) The Mirage

Which is NOT one of the fighters the children name?
a) Jesus
b) Shakespeare
c) Rebecca Stead
d) Beethoven

Mrs. Whatsit was once a....?
a) Planet
b) Moon
c) Meteor
d) Star

Camazotz resembles which planet?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Neptune

What did they notice about the children on Camazotz
a) They all dressed the same
b) They all looked alike
c) They were all boys
d) They all played in exact the same way, and their mothers call them in to dinner at exactly the same time.

How is the newspaper boy talking?
a) Monotone
b) Like a grown man
c) Whispering
d) In a robotic way

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