Roll Of The Thunder Chs 10 Question Preview (ID: 52021)

Review Of Chapter 10. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

When does Mrs. Logan think they will run out of money?
a) After June
b) After July
c) Before June
d) After March

What does Mr. Logan want to sell to make some money/
a) The car
b) Some land
c) The cows and calfs and old sow
d) Some of the kids' books

Why are the Logans worried about Mr. Morrison?
a) He lost his job
b) He is now a criminal
c) He is in jail
d) He hasn't come home

What happens when the household tries to go the Wiggins?
a) Kaleb Wallace throws things at them
b) Kaleb Wallace attacks them
c) Kaleb Wallace blocks the road
d) Kaleb Wallace threatens them

What were several Black families missing?
a) Valuable items
b) Farm animals
c) Farm equipment
d) Cars

What is Cassie's favorite part of the annual revival at her church?
a) The music
b) The dancing
c) The people
d) The big feast

How did Uncle Hammer make enough money for the mortgage?
a) He won a fight
b) He sold the Packard
c) He sold an animal
d) He won a bet

How does Mr. Morrison get Kaleb Wallace's truck out of the way?
a) He slams into it with his car
b) He attacks Kaleb
c) He calls the police
d) He moves the truck out of the way by picking it up

What is in the envelope Mr. Morrison gives Mr. Logan
a) A thank you note
b) A check
c) A notice from the bank about the mortgage
d) A letter from his family

What is T.J. wearing at the annual revival?
a) Old clothes
b) Some of the items people were missing
c) Spiffy, new clothes
d) Stacey's coat

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