Roll Of The Thunder Chs 8-9 Question Preview (ID: 52019)

Review Of Chapters 8-9. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

How did Mr. Logan's leg get hurt?
a) He gets shot
b) He falls off the wagon
c) The wagon ran over it
d) He trips

What happens on the way to Vicksburg?
a) Stacey got sick
b) The rear wagon wheels fall off
c) They get robbed
d) They get lost

When does the Black school close?
a) April
b) May
c) March
d) February

How many farms continue to shop in Vicksburg?
a) 10
b) 8
c) 7
d) 6

How do the Logan's make up for Mama's lost income?
a) They sell more eggs
b) They sell the car
c) They shop at the Wallace store
d) They plant more cotton

How does Stacey get revenge on T.J.
a) He beats him up
b) He ignores him
c) He convinces everyone at school not to be friends with him
d) He yells at him

Why does Mrs. Logan get fired?
a) Because she is Black
b) Because she won't shop at the Wallace store
c) Because she isn't teaching from the book
d) Because they don't like her

Why does Cassie beat up Lillian Jean?
a) She doesn't like her
b) She wants her to apologize
c) She is jealous
d) Lillian Jean offends her

Who does Cassie befriend?
a) Lillian Jean
b) Mr. Simms
c) The Wallace family
d) Mr. Morrison

Who does Stacey think the men with the guns were?
a) The Wallaces
b) Mr. Simms
c) Lillian Jean
d) The school bus driver

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