When You Reach Me Chs 31-37 Question Preview (ID: 52013)

Review For Chapters 31-37. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who does Miranda ask about time travel?
a) Julia
b) Marcus
c) Her mom
d) Richard

Why did Marcus hit Sal?
a) He doesn't like him
b) He was getting revenge
c) He wanted to see what would happen
d) He likes Miranda

What happens when Quack comes face-to-face with Marcus?
a) He panics
b) He screams
c) He runs away
d) He acts friendly

What does Miranda learn about Annemarie when she visits her?
a) She lives alone
b) She doesn't like school
c) She's on a special diet
d) She has a dog

What does Annemarie do with the lunch her dad gives her?
a) She eats it
b) She throws it away
c) She gives it to Quack
d) She forgets it

What does Richard want to do?
a) Marry Miranda's mom
b) Get a new job
c) Buy new shoes
d) Get a dog

Who sleeps over at Miranda's house?
a) Julia
b) Annemarie
c) Sal
d) Marcus

Why do Annemarie, Colin, and Miranda get fired?
a) They eat all the sandwiches
b) They forget to shut the door
c) They give out free food
d) The two-dollar bills are missing

Who does the shop owner ban from the store?
a) Julia
b) Marcus
c) Miranda
d) Sal

Why do Annemarie, Colin, and Miranda quit their job?
a) The owner is mean
b) The don't get free food anymore
c) The owner is racist against Julia
d) The owner doesn't like them

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