Catch-up September- Grade 5- English Language Week 2 Question Preview (ID: 51990)

This Game Review Students' Knowledge About Planets And Modals As Well. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

I left my purse at home. Farah, __________ you lend me ten dollars?
a) may
b) could
c) shouldn't
d) might

We ________ love to visit our homeland Palestine one day.
a) may
b) can't
c) would
d) could

When we start counting the planets beginning from the side of the sun, at which place does Mars stand?
a) 4th
b) 3rd
c) 1st
d) 6th

You look very confused by the homework, Yara. ______ I help you?
a) will
b) must
c) would
d) can

The average temperature on Mars is:
a) Much lower than on Earth.
b) Much higher than on Earth.
c) Slightly lower than on Earth.
d) Slightly higher than on Earth.

The largest planet is:
a) Saturn
b) The Sun
c) Earth
d) Jupiter

What is the fourth planet from the Sun?
a) Mars
b) Mercury
c) Earth
d) Jupiter

How many moons circle around Mars?
a) 4
b) 2
c) 11
d) none

What is the farthest planet from the Sun?
a) Mercury
b) Neptune
c) Uranus
d) Earth

Earth is between _____________ and _________________.
a) Mars and Venus
b) Mercury and Mars
c) Venus and Jupiter
d) Mercury and Jupiter

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