Classroom Items Question Preview (ID: 51989)

English. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

This is a ……….
a) desk
b) table
c) door
d) window

This is a ………
a) book
b) door
c) pencil
d) table

what color is the ball?
a) blue
b) red
c) yellow
d) green

where is the book?
a) on the table
b) in the table
c) under the table
d) behind the table

where is the cat?
a) under the box
b) on the box
c) behind the box
d) in the box

what color is the apple?
a) red
b) yellow
c) green
d) orange

where is the toy?
a) in the bed
b) on the bed
c) under the bed
d) behind the bed

what color is the T-shirt?
a) blue
b) green
c) black
d) yellow

This is a...............
a) window
b) desk
c) table
d) door

The missing vowel in k-t is
a) e
b) i
c) a
d) o

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