Causes Of The Civil War Question Preview (ID: 51985)

These Questions Are Aligned With The GSE Social Studies For 8th Grade In Georgia. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Who won the presidential race of 1860 becoming the 16th president of the United States?
a) Abraham Lincoln
b) Andrew Jackson
c) Stephen A. Douglas
d) John Bell

Why did the presidential election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 cause the south to withdraw from the Union?
a) Because Lincoln won with only 39% of the vote and he was against many Southern ideals.
b) Because Lincoln planned to abolish slavery.
c) Because the South's candidates lost and feared they would lose their rights.
d) Because the South was sore losers!

The early 1800s belief of some people that a state could refuse to enforce a federal law was known as;
a) nullification
b) absolution
c) justification
d) ratification

Which statement explains how the Dred Scott decision pushed the nation closer to war?
a) The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could not stop slavery in the territories.
b) The Supreme Court ruled that, while slaves were citizens, they could not sue.
c) The Supreme Court ruled that slavery was not a legal right of the southern states.
d) The Supreme Court ruled that slave owners had to be reimbursed for slaves who escaped on the Underground Railroad.

Why did the U.S. Supreme Court rule against Dred Scott?
a) because Scott was a slave and he was not eligible to sue in court
b) because he was the property of his owner and could be taken anywhere
c) because he did not live long enough in a free territory to be free
d) because he returned to a slave state and he could not be freed

The Georgia Platform was a statement supporting;
a) the Compromise of 1850
b) states' rights
c) popular sovereignty
d) slavery throughout the United States

Which was a result of the Compromise of 1850?
a) Runaway slaves had to be returned to southern owners.
b) Owning slaves was forbidden in Washington, D.C.
c) Importation of slaves from Africa was declared illegal.
d) Slavery was permitted in the new state of California.

Which outcome resulted from the Compromise of 1850?
a) California was allowed to enter the Union as a free state.
b) Slavery was eliminated in the District of Columbia.
c) Texas was allowed to annex New Mexico extending slavery into that territory.
d) Popular sovereignty was established, allowing states to vote on whether or not to allow slavery.

Someone who believed in states' rights would probably support which statement?
a) The national government has no right to tell states how to operate.
b) National laws always take precedence over state laws.
c) States could only pass legislation on issues set out in the U.S. Constitution.
d) Disputes between states should always be settled by the national government.

States' Rights can BEST be defined as the belief that states;
a) could ignore the national laws if they were harmful to the state
b) could not free their slaves
c) could leave the Union at any time if they chose to
d) could force the national government to turn over all national government property to the states

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