Review Of Coordinating And Subordinating Conjunctions Question Preview (ID: 51963)

Practice Identifying Conjunctions And Understanding How They Are Used To Join A Sentence. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Find the conjunction in this sentence. Although it was expensive, he bought the car.
a) was
b) although
c) expensive

Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction. It's true ______ their grandmother is one hundred years old.
a) when
b) that

Find the conjunction in this sentence. The team practices often, and we work hard every game.
a) often
b) every
c) and

Fill in the blank. She ate her lunch ______ I had left.
a) if
b) after
c) unless

Fill in the blank. He can't go on the trip______ he doesn't have enough money.
a) after
b) because
c) when

This sentence has subordinating conjunctions like,although, because, and when.
a) A simple sentence.
b) A compound sentence.
c) A complex sentence.

This sentence has two simple sentences that are joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction.
a) A simple sentence.
b) A compound sentence.
c) A complex sentence.

This sentence has one complete thought.
a) A complex sentence.
b) A compound sentence.
c) A simple sentence.

Anna left her jacket at home , so she stayed inside at recess.
a) Complex sentence
b) Compound sentence
c) Simple sentence

Johnny is fast since he also runs track.
a) Compound sentence
b) Complex sentence
c) Simple sentence

Which conjunction is not a subordinating conjunction?
a) if
b) even though
c) nor
d) until

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