Introduction To 6th Grade Science Question Preview (ID: 51954)

6th Grade Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Is an observation more of a fact or opinion?
a) fact
b) opinion

Is an inference more like a fact or an opinion?
a) fact
b) opinion

What type of cloud is big and puffy?
a) cumulus
b) cirrus
c) stratus

Water is also known as ...
a) H2O
b) HOO
c) OH
d) H2O3

What is an example of potential energy?
a) throwing a ball
b) kicking a ball
c) running
d) holding a ball

What unit would we use to measure the length of a pencil?
a) meters
b) kilometers
c) centimeters

Evaporation is when liquid water changes to ....
a) solid water (ice)
b) water vapor (gas)
c) liquid water drops

What is the biggest planet?
a) Earth
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Neptune

What part of the atom has a positive charge?
a) proton
b) neutron
c) electron
d) nucleus

What is an example of a renewable resource? (can be used again)
a) coal
b) wind
c) oil
d) uranium

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