A Star Is Born Question Preview (ID: 51947)

Questions For A Star Is Born By Walter Dean Myers. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

After Mr. Culpepper gave the Cruisers a hard time for not joining extracurricular activities, they
a) made up their own club and began publishing a newspaper
b) visited Frederick Douglass Academy to see if it was an easier school
c) joined the track and field team and formed a 400-meter relay team
d) started a cooking club led by Zander's mother, who was a chef

After Sagal read the soldier's editorial and saw the soldier at her first school, Sagal
a) wrote her own editorial in the Courier, explaining the war from her perspective
b) asked to have a meeting with the soldier to explain her side of the story
c) refused to go back to school until the principal assured her the soldier had left
d) organized an assembly to congratulate the soldier and thank her for her service

After the FDA coach announced that Da Vinci was withdrawing from the race, Sagal
a) took the microphone and said that they were only withdrawing because FDA was afraid of her
b) began to cry and ran to sit in the bleachers with Zander and Kambui
c) agreed to take off her hijab and long pants so that she could compete
d) lined up her teammates on the track and refused to move until everyone was allowed to compete

After the debate in Jersey City, Phat Tony
a) cried because everyone blamed him for the team's loss
b) blamed Zander and Bobbi for their loss
c) thought that he had won, even though his team lost
d) refused to speak to Mr. Siegfried for a week

After the debate, why was Mr. Seigfried disappointed in the students?
a) after they won, they were mean to the kids from the Jersey City charter school
b) They had performed poorly and lost to the Jersey City charter school kids
c) the students refused to accept the Jersey City kids' challenge to a second debate
d) Zander and Bobbi had fought with the judges after the judges said Da Vinci had lost

After the police found LaShonda and her brother on a Port Authority bench, LaShonda
a) refused to speak to anyone until Kambui and his dad arrived
b) took off running, and escaped through a broken fence
c) called Caren Culpepper and asked her to hire an attorney for her
d) gave the police Zander's name and telephone number

Bobbi argued that the Cruisers might be able to use the television coverage from the play to
a) get the attention so that they could star in commercials
b) give themselves a larger platform to broadcast LaShonda's situation
c) raise money for Da Vinci to start brand new drama and debate programs
d) advertise their newspaper so they could get more subscribers

Bobbi wanted to write an op-ed for the Amsterdam News in order to
a) expose Mr. Lord, who took credit for the Cruisers' work in getting St. Francis more funding
b) argue that Virginia Wolf Society should donate more money to Da Vinci and Wadleigh
c) ask the community to provide a much larger stage for the Cruisers to put on their play
d) convince readers to buy subscriptions to the Cruisers' newspaper instead of buying lattes

Chris and LaShonda were sent to the St. Francis group home because
a) both of their parents had moved away without telling their kids where they went
b) Grandma Stacy fell and broke her hip and was no longer able to care for them
c) they were orphans who had lived with friends who were now moving away
d) their father stopped coming around and their mother was in-and-out of jail

Even though he didn't always understand why his parents always fought, Zander--
a) took his father's side because he wanted to move back in with him
b) sided with his mom because she was his heart
c) was careful to never chose a side because he loved them both
d) always tried to convince them to stop fighting

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