Causes Of The American War Of Independence Question Preview (ID: 51946)

This Is A Review Assessment About Some Of The Causes Of The American Revolution/War Of Independence. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

After the end of the French and Indian War in 1763 (part of the larger Seven Years’ War), what started happening between Great Britain and the colonies in British America?
a) After the war ended, the British helped the colonies to rebuild which strengthened ties between the two.
b) After the war ended, the British put on the colonies under temporary military control while rebuilding progressed.
c) After the ended, the British passed taxes on the colonies without consent, which they saw as a violation of self-government.
d) After the war ended, the British had the colonies pass taxes on their own accord to help pay for the war.

In 1763, what did King George III and Parliament do that enraged the colonists, partly because it was a retraction of an earlier British promise?
a) In 1763, King George III and Parliament issued the Proclamation Line of 1763, which barred colonists from westward expansion.
b) In 1763, King George III and Parliament revoked the colonial charters and placed the 13 colonies under martial law.
c) In 1763, the British began passing taxes on the colonies with colonial consent.
d) In 1763, the British put some of the colonies under stricter control of the British central government in London.

What did the British start doing in the 1760s that the colonists in British America resented?
a) Beginning in the 1760s, the British began sending troops to the colonies to stop the colonists from moving West.
b) Beginning in the 1760s, Parliament in London began passing taxes on the colonies without colonial consent.
c) Beginning in the 1760s, the British began expansion efforts into French Canada.
d) Beginning in the 1760s, Parliament pressured the colonial governments to start raising more money to help the empire.

What were the two main factions in British America as the crisis between the colonies and Britain worsened?
a) The two main factions in British America as the crisis worsened were the Patriots and the Loyalists or Tories
b) The two main factions in British America as the crisis worsened were the Patriots and the Tories.
c) Both A and B
d) The two main factions in British America as the crisis worsened were the Patriots and Parliamentarians.

What happened in early March of 1770 in Boston, Massachusetts? What happened after this?
a) In early March of 1770, the British sent troops to Boston to quell an active rebellion in the area.
b) In early March of 1770, a group of British soldiers were harassed by Patriots. The soldiers fired, making many more patriots
c) In early March of 1770, a group of British soldiers were harassed by Patriots. The British fired repeatedly at the colonists
d) In early March of 1770, a group of British soldiers were attacked in Boston. They quickly surrendered.

What happened in December of 1773 in Boston? What was the British Reaction to this?
a) In December of 1773, the colonists threw over 200 crates of tea into Boston Harbor. The British passed the Coercive Acts.
b) In December of 1773, a riot started in Boston which the British dispersed in a short time.
c) In December of 1773, a group of Bostonians set fire to British warships in Boston Harbor. The British fired on Boston.
d) In December of 1773, a force of colonial miltia(s) and Minutemen attacked Boston. The British declared war on the colonies.

What assembly met in 1774, with the goal of coming up with a unified colonial response to the British acts of aggression, following the Boston Tea Party?
a) In 1774, the Stamp Congress met in New York to decide what should be done in response to British aggression(s).
b) In 1774, the First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to see how they could respond to the Coercive Acts.
c) In 1774, the First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to decide if the colonies should go to war.
d) In 1774, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to debate the issue of American independence.

What was the end result of the First Continental Congress?
a) The end result of the First Continental was a Congressional Act that established a national army, navy, and marine corps.
b) The end result of the First Continental Congress was the Bill of Rights.
c) The end result of the First Continental Congress was a declaration of war by the colonies on Great Britain.
d) The end result of the First Continental Congress was the Olive Branch Petition, asking Britain for greater colonial autonomy.

What took place in April 1775 that officially started the American War of Independence?
a) In April of 1775, the British Army met a large force of American militia and Minutemen and a major battle ensued.
b) In April of 1775, a British force went to Lexington and Concord where they were engaged with American minutemen.
c) In April of 1775, the British attacked Americans in the Massachusetts and seized colonial arms, munitions, and property.
d) In April of 1775, the British attacked Americans in Massachusetts but was surrounded and later surrendered.

What did Patrick Henry say in his famous Virginia Resolve?
a) 'I am not a Virginian, but an American!'
b) 'Give me liberty, or give me death!'
c) 'It will be my humble duty to serve.'
d) Both A and B

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