Add And Subtract Within 20 Question Preview (ID: 51932)

Students Will Practice Their Addition And Subtraction Skills By Completing Mathematical Equations And Word Problems. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Sally has 15 apples in her basket. She gives 5 apples away to her friends. How many apples are left in her basket?
a) 20
b) 10
c) 5
d) 8

Solve: 11-8=
a) 6
b) 19
c) 3
d) 2

Solve: 5+12=
a) 17
b) 10
c) 7
d) 12

Ethan's gumball machine has 17 gumballs in it. He adds 3 more gumballs to the machine. How many gumballs does he have now?
a) 18
b) 15
c) 14
d) 20

Kenley has 7 shirts in her closet. By the end of the day, she puts 9 more shirts in her closet. How many shirts are in her closet now?
a) 20
b) 18
c) 16
d) 2

Solve: 19-6=
a) 14
b) 20
c) 10
d) 13

Konner has 12 baseball cards. He gave 4 of them to his cousin. How many baseball cards does he have now?
a) 9
b) 8
c) 11
d) 13

Solve: 13+4=
a) 17
b) 20
c) 9
d) 8

Solve: 3+8=
a) 5
b) 12
c) 11
d) 7

Solve: 20-18=
a) 11
b) 2
c) 15
d) 4

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