TI-84 Practice Question Preview (ID: 51926)

TI-84 Practice. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

461 - 88
a) 373
b) 820
c) 325
d) -40480

82 + 375
a) 30750
b) 457
c) 422
d) -293

172 + 565
a) 737
b) 702
c) 382
d) 907

(-716) - 487
a) -1398
b) -1203
c) -2039
d) -2136

677 + (-578)
a) 756
b) 99
c) 1255
d) -87

23 x 36
a) 828
b) 851
c) 862
d) 59

28 x 44
a) 1232
b) 1256
c) 72
d) 1400

14 x (-34)
a) -476
b) 476
c) -20
d) -526

(-12) x (-32)
a) 384
b) -384
c) -44
d) 324

(-48) x (-24)
a) 1152
b) -1152
c) 1164
d) 72

1680/40 (divided by)
a) 42
b) .0238095238095
c) 1640
d) 672000

(-675)/45 (divided by)
a) -15
b) 15
c) -630
d) -.067

(-3212)/(-73) (divided by)
a) 44
b) -44
c) 234476
d) .0227

4^3 (4 raised to the 3rd power)
a) 64
b) 81
c) 12
d) 7

5^9 (5 raised to the 9th power)
a) 1953125
b) 59049
c) 45
d) 185672947

1,000,000 ^ 0 (1 million raised to the 0 power)
a) 1
b) 1,000,000,000,000
c) 10,000
d) 0

a) 1,000,000
b) 1,000
c) 60
d) 1,000,000,000

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