Content Check 12 Question Preview (ID: 51922)

The Content Check Covers The Following PowerPoints: 3. The Pastoral Epistles 4. Hebrews. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Hebrews is most likely a
a) Sermon
b) Letter
c) Poem
d) Song

Hebrews was probably written by possibly one of the following except
a) Barnabas
b) Apollos
c) Priscilla
d) Paul

Whoever the author of Hebrews was, they knew about the
a) Masoretic Text
b) Gospel of Judas
c) Septuagint
d) Gospel of Mary Magdalene

The Book with the best Greek in the New Testament is
a) The Gospel of John
b) 1 Timothy
c) 2 Timothy
d) Hebrews

Hebrews was written for
a) The Hebrew people in Jerusalem to try and convert the Jews to Christianity
b) Jewish Christians struggling with their faith
c) Gentile Philosophers challenging the idea of Christianity
d) Caesar to convince him that Christians were good people

Hebrews was probably written in
a) Rome or Alexandria
b) Spain or Ireland
c) Ephesus or Colossae
d) Philippi or Thessalonica

Readers of the Letter to the Hebrews were
a) Disillusioned and were contemplating Apostasy
b) Very faithful and followed the teachings of Paul
c) Angry with the Church and tried to burn it down
d) Heretics who were following other gods

The author of Hebrews tries to assert the superiority of whom in heaven to all else?
a) Angels
b) Abraham
c) Jesus
d) Moses

The base of Christian faith is
a) Ecclesiological
b) Philosophical
c) Relational to Jesus
d) Theological

One of the important themes of Hebrews
a) Shows Christ as the High Priest sacrificing for us once and for all
b) Shows Christ as the suffering wolf trying to protect her cubs
c) Shows Christ as the Cosmic Christ reconciling all things to himself
d) Shows Christ as the King of Jerusalem challenging Caesar's authority

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