Intro To The DBS Question Preview (ID: 51914)

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How many weeks is in the Discipleship Bible School?
a) 9
b) 12
c) 11
d) 10

What will students do in the DBS?
a) Have lots of fun
b) work late into the night
c) Read the Bible chronologically
d) Discover the meaning of life

What is the best selling book in the World?
a) Harry Potter
b) Mere Christianity
c) Mein Kompf
d) The Bible

How many books are in the Bible?
a) 39
b) 66
c) 27
d) 1

How many books did Jesus write?
a) 4
b) 2
c) 1
d) None of the Above

What is the first step of inductive Bible Study
a) Application
b) Interpretation
c) Observation
d) Prayer

What is the first 5 books of the BIble called
a) gospels
b) Pentateuch
c) Torah
d) Law

How many books did Moses write?
a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2

What is the longest book of the Bible?
a) Psalms
b) proverbs
c) Isaiah
d) Jeremiah

What does Jesus mean?
a) Yahweh saves
b) God is judge
c) rock of ages
d) have mercy

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