History Question Preview (ID: 51902)

Compromises. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Under the Compromise of 1877, who was agreed to become president?
a) Rutherford B. Hayes
b) Samuel TIlden
c) Ulysses S. Grant
d) James Garfield

What was included in the Compromise of 1850?
a) The US annexed Texas
b) The Fugitive Slave Act
c) The 12th Amendment
d) California as a slave state

Where was the Three-Fifths Compromise decided?
a) Constitutional Convention
b) Mexico
c) North/South Border
d) Missouri

What was the outcome of the Great Compromise?
a) The Virginia Plan was chosen
b) The Virginia and New Jersey plan were thrown out
c) The New Jersey Plan was chosen
d) A mix of both plans, two house legislature

What was the Compromise of 1850 a result of?
a) Mexican-American War
b) American Revolution
c) French and Indian War
d) American Civil War

What did the Compromise of 1877 successfully do?
a) Ended segregation
b) Ended reconstruction
c) Gave rise to the BLM movement
d) Gave rise to the 15th ammendment

Why did the Missouri Compromise fail in the end?
a) States wanted to change to become slave states.
b) New states were being added too fast to keep a balance.
c) It worked, the south just got power hungry and attacked.
d) People were fighting over choosing free or slave.

What was the Three-Fifths Compromise over?
a) States joining the slave or free states.
b) Slave owners getting votes for their slaves.
c) The line that divided slave states from free states.
d) Representation of populations in states to include the amount of slaves by 3/5.

What did the Missouri Compromise decide about the states?
a) America would be split vertically between slave and free states.
b) Missouri would be a free state and Maine would be a slave state.
c) Missouri would be a slave state and Maine would be a free state.
d) The whole country could choose if they wanted slavery or not.

Where was the Great Compromise established?
a) Constitutional Convention
b) Paris
c) Ghent
d) Great Britain

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