Adam And Eve Question Preview (ID: 51900)

Questions From Genesis 2 And 3. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Genesis 2:16 - God told Adam that he may freely eat from any tree in the garden except:
a) the one with the poison apples
b) the pear tree
c) the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
d) the one at the edge of the garden

What did God do on the 7th day of creation (Genesis 2:2)?
a) He rested
b) Created man
c) Created birds and fish
d) Created Day and Night

Where was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 3:3)?
a) In the middle of the garden
b) At the entrance of the garden
c) At the back of the Garden
d) It was hidden because God didn't want Adam and Eve to find it.

Who ate fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil first (Genesis 3:6)?
a) Adam
b) the serpent
c) No one did
d) Eve

Who is the second person to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
a) Adam
b) the serpent
c) No one did
d) Eve

Who did Adam blame when God asked him if you had eaten from the tree whose fruit He had commanded them not to eat (Genesis 3:12)?
a) The serpent
b) Eve
c) God
d) He blamed no one.

Who did Eve blame when God asked her: What have you done? (Genesis 3:13)
a) The serpent
b) Adam
c) God
d) She blamed no one.

What did the serpent say to Eve to convince her to eat the fruit (Genesis 3:5)?
a) You will be like God!
b) You will be super strong!
c) You will never need to eat again!
d) It's super good!

Why did Adam name his wife Eve (Genesis 3:20)?
a) She would be the mother of all who live
b) He liked the letter E.
c) God told him to.
d) She was born on Christmas Eve

What did Adam and Eve do when they heard God walking through the garden (Genesis 3:8)?
a) They ran to find him.
b) They waited for him by the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
c) They hid from God
d) They called out to God so He could find them.

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