Content Check 10 Question Preview (ID: 51889)

Content Check Will Cover The Following PowerPoints: 4. 1 Corinthians 5. 2 Corinthians. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Paul started a what next to the synagogue in Corinth
a) Theology School
b) Hospital
c) Soup Kitchen
d) Cathedral

Corinth was
a) An old city built by Egyptian Pharaohs in the 10th century B.C.
b) A tiny, insignificant town on the frontiers of the Greek Islands
c) A desert community (tent city) that wandered throughout the Sahara Desert
d) A thriving new city rebuilt by Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.E.

Corinth was
a) A very small community numbering only about 500 people but they were quite influential
b) A city of about 600,000 people living there, 2/3 of whom were slaves
c) The capital of the Roman Empire boasting 1,000,000 citizens
d) Outside the Roman Empire that constantly fought with Rome to keep their independence

Paul lived in Corinth for
a) 1 and 1/2 years
b) 3 years
c) 3 months
d) 3 days

The word Corinthian today means
a) Strong like a column
b) Athletic, since the city was full of Olympic athletes
c) To have loose morals
d) Noble and stately

Asceticism is
a) The philosophy that stated that people should pursue pleasure
b) The rigorous denial of the flesh
c) The belief that God and the world are the same thing
d) The study of Church

One of the main problems in Corinth was the factions among the members of the community revolving around what?
a) Baptism
b) Who was allowed to be Christian
c) Marriage
d) Economic strife

2 Corinthians is called the
a) Joyful letter
b) Letter of Love
c) Tearful letter
d) Hopeful letter

Super-Apostles were
a) People who perverted the gospel and Paul preached against their teachings
b) What Paul called his faithful followers who were living up to the Gospel values as he preached them
c) Apostles of the early Church that formed the original 12 that Jesus called
d) Great miracle workers who traveled the Roman countryside and welcomed many new converts to Christianity

2 Corinthians has the first attestation of
a) Ordination in Scripture
b) Matrimony in Scripture
c) Baptism in Scripture
d) Trinity in Scripture

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