Content Check 9 Question Preview (ID: 51888)

Content Check Covers The Following PowerPoints: 1. Paul's Themes 2. Hellenistic Philosophies 3. Romans. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Paul had how many themes in his letters
a) 6
b) More than 10
c) 3
d) 1

Justification means what?
a) Being redeemed
b) Winning in a court case and getting justice from it
c) Satisfaction with your work
d) Proven to be right when others think you were wrong

What is the summit of creation?
a) Planet Earth
b) Animals
c) Angels
d) Human beings

The full meaning of the doctrine of Original Sin is revealed only in what?
a) The sinfulness of Adam and Eve and their depraved rebellion.
b) The power of Satan and his evil minions here on earth.
c) The light of the death and resurrection of Jesus. It is essential to belief in the mystery of Christ.
d) The Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception.

How many times did Paul visit Rome before writing his letter to them?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3

Paul’s letter to the Romans was designed as a letter to address the needs of the community as he witnessed.
a) True
b) False
c) All of the Above
d) None of the Above

God-Fearers were
a) Gentiles who were familiar with Judaism and the Jewish Law but never converted
b) A group of Jewish Christians that believed that in order to be a Christian, one had to become Jewish first
c) Evangelists who spread the Gospel orally even after Mark and Matthew wrote their Gospels
d) Samaritans who wanted to make a hybrid religion including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

A group of Jewish Christians that believed that in order to be a Christian, one had to become Jewish first are called what?
a) God-Fearers
b) Evangelists
c) Stoics
d) Judaizers

A document written to not one particular audience and is meant to circulate to various communities to provide wisdom and insight is called a what?
a) Epistle
b) Sermon
c) Encyclical
d) Treatise

Eschatology is
a) The study of the End of Times
b) The study of Church
c) The belief that God and the world are one in the same thing
d) The study of heresies

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