CU_9-8_Karyotype/ Heredity Question Preview (ID: 51861)

Students Must Know The Number Of Chromosomes Present In Their Cells And Its Importance. This Game Aims To Review Some Points Of The Course For Grade 9 Students. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The chromosomes of normal human beings:
a) carry the genetic information
b) may have two sister chromatids
c) transfer the genetic hereditary traits to the fetus
d) all choices are correct

The chromosomes are found in the:
a) nucleus of the cells
b) cytoplasm of the cells
c) outside the nucleus of the cells
d) all choices are correct

A normal man has:
a) Two X sex chromosomes
b) Two Y sex chromosomes
c) One X sex chromosome and one Y sex chromosome
d) non of the choices

Abnormal human karyotype may have:
a) extra autosomal chromosome(s)
b) extra sex chromosome(s)
c) missing a chromosome(s)
d) all choices are correct

The number of chromosomes in the karyotypes of two normal brothers is the same, since:
a) Both are for normal humans
b) normal humans has the same number of chromosomes
c) same species have same number of chromosomes
d) all choices are correct

The presence of two homologous sex chromosomes (XX) means that the individual is a
a) normal male
b) normal female
c) abnormal male
d) abnormal female

The presence of Y sex chromosome means that the sex of the individual is:
a) male
b) female
c) male with feminine characteristics
d) none of the choices

Indicate the number of pairs of autosomal chromosomes in a normal human karyotype
a) 44 chromosomes
b) 46 chromosomes
c) 23 chromosomes
d) 22 chromosomes

The normal human karyotype contains:
a) 44 chromosomes
b) 23 chromosomes
c) 46 chromosomes
d) none of the choices

Indicate the origin of each chromosome present in each pair.
a) Both are from the father (paternal)
b) Both are maternal origin
c) One maternal and one paternal
d) all choices are correct

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