Maniac Magee Vocabulary Question Preview (ID: 51850)

Vocabulary Review. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Mr. Pickwell had brought home a down-and-out shoe salesman in sore need of _________ and a good meal.
a) legacy
b) maniac
c) sympathy
d) suspicion

Nobody knows who said it first, but somebody must have. That kid's gotta be a ________.
a) legacy
b) maniac
c) sympathy
d) beaming

The boy was ___________ when he hit a grand slam at the end of the game.
a) legacy
b) beaming
c) sympathy
d) maniac

If you're looking for Maniac Magee's _______, or monument, that as goodas any-even if it wasn't really a bull.
a) legacy
b) beaming
c) maniac
d) suspicion

suspecting something is wrong; a feeling of uneasiness
a) suspicion
b) sympathy
c) beaming
d) legacy

feelings of pity or sorrow for someone else's misfortune
a) legacy
b) sympathy
c) maniac
d) beaming

to smile radiantly or happily
a) beaming
b) maniac
c) suspicion
d) legacy

Everyone could not shake the _________ of Finsterwald's Backyard.
a) legacy
b) maniac
c) beaming
d) suspicion

a person exhibiting extreme symptoms of wild behavior
a) legacy
b) maniac
c) suspicion
d) beaming

something left to a person by a will; an inheritance; a bequest
a) maniac
b) sympathy
c) legacy
d) beaming

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