Unit Eight: Trade _ Week 3 - Catch-up Plan Question Preview (ID: 51841)

This Game Aims To Practice The Target Language Of “From The Market To The Trade” And The Embedded Questions. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

You have no idea of ___________
a) How much does it cost
b) How much did it cost
c) how much it costs
d) how much does it costs

Could you tell me what______________.
a) did he say?
b) did he said?
c) does he say?
d) he said?

Can you explain _____
a) What does she want?
b) What do they want?
c) What does she wants?
d) What she wants?

Can you tell me where__________.
a) where is the nearest bank?
b) where the nearest bank is?
c) where was the nearest bank?
d) the nearest bank?

The silk market was established in ___
a) Rome
b) China
c) India
d) Persia

Phoenicia was famous for its luxury goods such as ______
a) ceder wood
b) perfumes
c) diamonds
d) spices

Which animal was perfect for desert trade?
a) horses
b) donkeys
c) ostriches
d) camels

The island of Cyprus was a well-known source of ________.
a) gold
b) silver
c) iron
d) copper

In the absence of road networks, the easiest means _____________.
a) of transporting goods was by train
b) of transporting goods was by helicopters
c) of transporting goods was by water
d) of transporting goods was by elephants

The process of exchanging goods and services is called _________.
a) sharing
b) bargaining
c) compromising
d) bartering

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