Metals And Nonmetals Question Preview (ID: 51800)
Positive And Negative Ions.
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The element which has atomic number 12 is considered from
a) metals
b) nonmetals
c) noble gases
d) no correct answer
When an atom of an element loses 1 electron or more, it changes into
a) a negative ion.
b) a positive ion.
c) a neutral atom.
d) no correct answer.
All of the following elements can form positive ions except
a) sodium
b) chlorine
c) magnesium
d) aluminium
The number of energy levels in sodium ion is ......... the number of energy levels in its atom.
a) less than
b) more than
c) equal to
d) no correct answer
When an atom is changed into an ion, the ....... is changed.
a) number of protons
b) number of neutrons
c) number of electrons
d) mass number
The only nonmetal that exists in a liquid state is .....
a) bromine
b) chlorine
c) hydrogen
d) nitrogen
All of nonmetals don't conduct electricity except ......
a) bromine
b) aluminum
c) graphite
d) mercury
In a negative ion, the number of protons is ...... the number of electrons.
a) less than
b) more than
c) equal to
d) no correct answer
The number of ........ determines the type of element and its chemical activity.
a) electrons in the outermost energy level.
b) levels filled with electrons.
c) neutrons
d) protons
The molecule of a noble gas consists of .....
a) two different atoms.
b) one atom.
c) two similar atoms.
d) one or two similar atoms.
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