Content Check 1 Question Preview (ID: 51752)

The Content Check Will Cover The Following PowerPoint Notes: 1. History Of The Times 2. Hellenization. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

The king who committed suicide when his son died on the battlefield and he was about to be captured was whom?
a) Saul
b) Solomon
c) David
d) Biff

The wealthiest of the first three kings was whom?
a) Saul
b) Solomon
c) David
d) Ashurbanipal

After Solomon, what happened to the Kingdom?
a) It grew in size under Solomon's son due to his wise administration
b) It was destroyed by the Egyptians
c) It ended the monarchy and became a democracy electing Moses as the new President
d) It divided into two kingdoms led by Rehoboam in the South and Jeroboam in the North

One of the first nations to have a trained professional army was whom?
a) Phoenicians
b) Spaniards
c) Assyrians
d) Russians

The Babylonians were defeated by whom thus ending Babylonian reign over Judah?
a) Persians
b) Greeks
c) Romans
d) Assyrians

The Hasmoneans (Maccabees) kicked out whom and ruled the area until the Romans came and conquered them?
a) Babylonians
b) Assyrians
c) Greeks
d) Persians

Like the Greeks, who wanted to create a centralized city-state where citizens could meet, market, debate, vote, and practice parts of civilized culture?
a) Persians
b) Romans
c) Assyrians
d) Babylonians

What is a ceremonial platform set up in an assembly?
a) Palaestra
b) Propylaea
c) Bema
d) Agora

What was the place where the council for the polis met and discussed politics, law, and festivals?
a) Baths
b) Stoa
c) Hippodrome
d) Bouleuterion

A building used for musical performance where most were open-air and were half-egg shaped to produce the best sounds from the instruments was called what?
a) Odeon
b) Theater
c) Amphitheater
d) Stadion

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