Conclusions And Closing Statements Question Preview (ID: 51737)

Conclusion Paragraph Skills. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

Approximately how many sentences should be in a conclusion for a 5-paragraph essay?
a) 1-2
b) 7
c) 10
d) 4-5

True or false? All closing sentences are effective in all types of essays.
a) false
b) true

A call to action is one method of writing a closing sentence. What does a call to action do?
a) It challenges the author to use strong language.
b) It helps guide the reader through the essay.
c) It challenges the reader to do something after reading your essay.
d) It challenges the reader to synthesize information.

What does it mean to synthesize information?
a) to repeat an idea in strong terms
b) to combine different ideas to come up with a new thought or idea
c) to restate a comment using different words
d) to introduce new ideas

What should you NOT do when writing a conclusion?
a) use a signal (closing) transition
b) leave readers with a positive feeling
c) challenge readers to action
d) repeat words from the introduction verbatim (exactly)

Pick the closing sentence which illustrates the Scare Tactic method.
a) It was the worst experience of his life. Why would he volunteer for that again?
b) To sum up, grading students is not a good practice and should be abolished.
c) There is no time to waste - this endangered animal will be extinct in only two years without intervention!
d) Cloning organs holds promise for the future.

Choose a concluding transition that is overused.
a) In conclusion
b) As has been mentioned
c) Given these points

The first sentence in a conclusion ...
a) reviews the three body paragraph topic sentences
b) restates the claim from the thesis statement using different words
c) makes a powerful closing statement
d) restates the claim from the thesis statement using the same words

There are several ways to write a closing sentence. Which of the following is NOT a method to write a closing sentence?
a) synthesize information
b) play So What?
c) tell a story
d) call to action

What should you NOT do when writing a conclusion?
a) introduce new information
b) restate the claim from your thesis statement
c) use strong words
d) use a signal transition

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