3.1 L9 Kamishibai Man Question Preview (ID: 51704)

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I heard the ___ voice of the announcer.
a) rickety
b) familiar
c) blurry
d) shush

The audience gave the actors a long round of ___.
a) applause
b) familiar
c) vacant
d) rickety

The house was ___ for a year.
a) blurry
b) blast
c) vacant
d) rude

Don't sit in that ___ old chair.
a) applause
b) shush
c) rickety
d) bow

Everything looks ___ if I'm not wearing my glasses.
a) blurry
b) blast
c) rude
d) vacant

Suddenly, the loud sound of a siren ___ through the air.
a) jerky
b) familiar
c) blasted
d) bow

We had a ___ ride over the rough road.
a) rude
b) shush
c) applause
d) jerky

It is ___ to break into someone else's conversation.
a) applause
b) blurry
c) blast
d) rude

The librarian ___ the noisy children.
a) jerky
b) shushed
c) rude
d) bow

She ___ to the audience and walked off stage.
a) familiar
b) vacant
c) rickety
d) bowed

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