2.2 L19 My Name Is Gabriela Question Preview (ID: 51702)

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He ___ the package and waited until he was alone to open it.
a) taught
b) travel
c) accepted
d) flutter

Her stories ___ the feelings of the characters very well.
a) express
b) prize
c) wonder
d) flutter

My grandma ___ me how to build a birdhouse.
a) express
b) taught
c) grand
d) pretend

He felt ___ when he marched in the parade.
a) poem
b) travel
c) accept
d) grand

We ___ that we are riding horses when we ride our bikes.
a) pretend
b) prize
c) wonder
d) flutter

The ___ for the best dancers was a gold trophy.
a) express
b) grand
c) prize
d) pretend

I ___ how birds feel when they are flying.
a) travel
b) taught
c) wonder
d) grand

A hummingbird was ___ around the bright garden flowers.
a) wonder
b) poem
c) accept
d) fluttering

He wrote a ___ about his best friend.
a) poem
b) grand
c) pretend
d) prize

My father ___ to many countries.
a) express
b) taught
c) traveled
d) accept

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