Natural Selection/Evolution Question Preview (ID: 51654)

Some Questions About Natural Selection And Evolution. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

A population of bugs initially consists of dark and light colored bugs. After several generations, the bug population is almost all dark colored bugs because the light colored bugs are easier for predators to find and eat. This is an example of _____
a) embryology
b) natural selection
c) biochemistry
d) fossil records

Which of the following BEST describes a gene?
a) A gene is a random change to an organism’s DNA.
b) A gene is a structure in a cell that contains the cell’s chromosomes.
c) A gene is made of DNA and contains the instructions for building proteins.
d) A gene is a protein that makes up an organism’s structure and helps it function

Green beetles are well camouflaged. Suppose a mutation occurs in a beetle’s gene. This mutation affects a protein, which in turn results in the beetle having red spots on its back. Which of the following statements BEST describes this mutation?
a) This would be a beneficial mutation because it increases the beetle’s ability to camouflage itself.
b) This would be a harmful mutation because it reduces the beetle’s ability to camouflage itself.
c) This would be a beneficial mutation because it reduces the beetle’s ability to camouflage itself.
d) This would be a neutral mutation because it does not affect how well the beetle stands out.

How is natural selection in the evolution of long necks giraffes best explained?
a) Short necked giraffes were killed by long neck giraffes
b) Giraffe necks grew longer because the parents stretched their necks
c) Giraffes with longer necks were able to eat more food and survive better.
d) Long neck giraffes only mated with short necked giraffes

You are on a safari in Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. One day, you see a zebra nursing its offspring. The person next to you asks why zebras do that. What is the best explanation for why zebras nurse their young?
a) Nursing young is an inherited trait that helps zebras survive better.
b) Nursing young is a trait that is very common in the zebra population.
c) Nursing young is an inherited trait that shows genetic variation in the zebra population.
d) Nursing young is an inherited trait that helps zebras survive and reproduce successfully.

If a species is unable to adapt or evolve to its changing environment, what is likely to happen to that species?
a) It will have many offspring
b) It will survive due to natural selection
c) It will learn to camouflage itself
d) It will go extinct

Brown and green bugs are seen in a green leafy environment. You conclude that green beetles are better camouflaged than yellow ones from predators. How do you predict beetle color in this population will evolve over time?
a) Yellow beetles have a greater chance of surviving and reproducing and will become more common in the population.
b) Green beetles have a greater chance of surviving and reproducing and will become more common in the population.
c) Yellow beetles have a smaller chance of surviving and reproducing and will become more common in the population
d) Neither type of beetle will become more common in the population since they have the same chance of surviving + reproducing

When an organism has many offspring, some of the offspring are different, these differences are called ________
a) variations
b) vestigial structures
c) evolutionary theory
d) geographic isolation

Marine iguanas have flattened tails and feed on seaweed + algae in the water. Other species of iguanas that live inland on South America have rounded tails. Which of the following best explains the difference in tail shape?
a) Flattened tails are better for swimming than rounded tails
b) Flattened tails are harder for predators to grasp than rounded tails
c) Flattened tails move more easily on land than in the ocean
d) Flattened tails attract more mates than rounded tails

Whales have no legs, yet they still have pelvic bones. These body parts were probably once functional in an ancestor. We call these non-functioning body parts __________
a) homologous structures
b) adaptations
c) fossils
d) vestigial structures

When two groups of the same species are separated for a long period of time by mountains, water, or other natural feature, new variations can start to appear in the different groups. This is called _________.
a) migration
b) geographic isolation
c) Galapagos theory
d) punctuated equilibrium

The model that described evolution as a slow, ongoing process by which one species changes into a new species is called ___________.
a) gradualism
b) migration
c) variations
d) geographic isolation

You have learned about Kettlewell’s experiments with peppered moths. Kettlewell marked and released dark and light moths in two different environments and then tried to recapture them. What were his results?
a) In polluted environments, dark moths survived better than light moths.
b) In unpolluted environments, dark moths survived better than light moths.
c) In polluted environments, light moths survived better than dark moths.
d) In unpolluted environments, dark moths and light moths survived equally well.

A population of rabbits comes in two different colors - Grey Brown. You observe that 15% of the grey rabbits are eaten by predators, while 23% of brown rabbits are eaten by predators. How do you predict this rabbit population will evolve?
a) The population will not evolve
b) Grey rabbits will become more common in the population.
c) Brown rabbits will become more common in the population.
d) Grey and brown rabbits will become equally common in the population.

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