Louisiana History Unit 1 Vocab 2 Question Preview (ID: 51632)

Unit 1 Vocab. TEACHERS: click here for quick copy question ID numbers.

An attachment to a spear that caused the spear to fly further
a) Atlatl
b) Crozat
c) Minnden
d) Zunzaga

ancient Indian trash dump
a) Midden
b) Trashoto
c) Galvez
d) Hepatocytes

people who move from place to place
a) Nomads
b) Tourist
c) Paleontologist
d) Cajuns

scientist of old historical sites
a) Archaeologist
b) Revisionist
c) Sociologist
d) Anthropologist

Spanish governor of LA during the American Revolution, on the side of the American colonials
a) Galvez
b) Crozat
c) Bienville
d) Iberville

Frenchmen expelled from Nova Scotia and settled in south LA
a) Acadians
b) Expats
c) Nomad
d) Midden

when people expected to get their money back for a failed LA proprietorship, but they couldn't get the money back out they paid in
a) Mississippi Bubble
b) Minden
c) Atlatal
d) Ulloa

Was the leader of LA when the stock market tragedy Mississippi Bubble took place
a) John Law
b) Crozat
c) John Galvez
d) Tonti

pile of dirt made by Indians
a) Mound
b) Crozat
c) Unzaga
d) Ullah

An object left behind by a past civilization that can be studied
a) Artifacts
b) Fossil
c) Sociologist
d) Unzaga

A word that means farming
a) agriculture
b) Urbanization
c) Sociologist
d) Minden

Pile of dirt, usually used for religious purposes by Indians
a) Temple Mounds
b) Crozat
c) Atlatl
d) Nomads

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